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Writer's pictureMorgan Wilson

3 Best books of the Bible for "New" Christians

Welcome! I assume you are a new christian or a "young" Christian one might say. A person who is new to followin Jesus and wondering, “what now, I repented, I surrendered,” and you're looking for a place to start. You might be thinking, "where do I even start with the Bible?" "Do I just read from the beginning all the way through?" "Do I just start wherever I want and go piece by piece?" But the truth is, there are multiple ways to read the Bible and they are all great in their own ways. This is just one way.

I grew up in the church and I still struggle with reading the Bible sometimes.

I think everyone does at one point or another, so be patient with yourself! I want to give you some knowledge to help you find your way through.

the Bible, in my opinion, is the best book I've ever read. Not only content wise, but it is incredibly thought out, and the people who constructed it clearly intended to deliver a universal message, they’re not meant to be 27 scattered books. They're all connected. There's people or (characters) who make appearances in multiple books, as well as authors knowing each other personally throughout their lives. It's fascinating.

1. The book that I would recommend any christian to start with, is the book (or gospel) of Mark.

Mark was a man who studied under Peter, one of Jesus' disciples. Mark also was possibly present for a lot of Jesus' miracles, if he wasn't, Peter was. This being said, Mark is the earliest account of Jesus' ministry in the Bible. Because of how shortly it was written after said events (Jesus’s death), Mark's gospel is the most concise by far.

It is precise, easy to read and eventful. A great foundation for the longer, detailed accounts of Jesus.

Jesus is what makes a christian a christian, without him and his story, we just have the old testament. Which is wonderful, however, Mark does an excellent job of showing what happens when Jesus arrives on "the scene". Everything changes, the culture, the people Jesus encounters, they are transformed. So Mark is a must when reading the Bible for the first time!

2. Genesis. The beginning.

Genesis is the first book of the Bible, and possibly one of the most popular. No matter you religion if you live in America especially, you've heard a story out of Genesis. The book contains the creation of the world (Adam and Eve), the life of Noah (and his arc), Abraham and his legacy, And the start of Moses' story!

You'll find that Genesis, along with the rest of the old testament is referenced very often in other parts of the Bible. Reading Genesis will help new christians understand basic theology, read the classic Jewish history, as well as the beginning of God's big story!

3. Psalms.

Obviously there are many more books that I could suggest. However, when it comes to someone who is new to the Bible, Psalms is a beautifully written book. It is authored by Primarily King David, however theologians wonder if there was more than one "psalmist". Psalms is a group of songs, poems and short stories, taking place in the Israel area at the time. Most of the book is the psalmist exuding their praise to God. Commanding his soul and all the earth to join in and praise him.

David is known as an avid worshiper, and this book will light your heart on fire for God and his love, faithfulness, grace and mercy.

Many and I do mean MANY worship songs are written directly from passages in Psalms, so once you read this book you will recognize it's contents all over the secular and christian world!

Extra tips:

  • When reading the Bible for the first time, do it with friends! People you trust, people that want to learn with you.

  • Mark up your bible! That's what its for isn't it? When you read something that's really good, highlight it! Underline it! also circle things, see where two passages connect to to each other!

  • Talk to others about what you're learning, the Bible can be confusing sometimes, and it's really nice to have a community to ask questions in.

  • Do some research (commentaries!), the Bible world is very different from ours today, so take time to learn about the towns, and countries of the time, as well as the authors of the books.

  • Pray pray pray. Before and after your study, pray that God will show you things you've never seen before, that he has something he wants to show you, and that he can help you see what his word actually says, and how it applies to you!

Let me know if this is helpful! I want to here from you guys! How did you come to find Jesus? Let me know in the comments/ message me!

thank you so much for reading, if you would like to, please share it!



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