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Writer's pictureMorgan Wilson

What's With the Name?

Updated: Aug 21, 2019

I had a couple of blogs throughout high school, and they never took off. I never had the time or understanding about what blogs were for. This time is different. I've taken time to watch other blogs evolve. I have watched women I look up to create beautiful platforms successfully, and it sets my heart afire!

So here I am, blog and all, and I need a name. I was thinking of a play on words, or something with Jesus. I truly almost named this blog "Confessions of a Jesus Freak". Until I finally settled on "the Esther Woman".

This is because Esther, like many women, has been kind of a constant in my life. I learned about here as a kid, and fell in love with her story as a middle schooler. I was on a missions trip with my church sitting in a church service held by the church we were staying in. A the pastor preaches on Esther, and essentially how she saves a nation of people. This pastor's sermon was so influential. It was the first time I truly felt empowered in my authority in Christ, and it was beautiful, and honestly I'll never forget it.

My senior Quote was then Esther 4:14 - "Maybe you were created for such a time as this."

Esther is presented with a huge fight or flight moment, and I don't know why but I seem to have a lot of those in my life! And so now I'm a Junior in college, creating a blog, and it feels so different than anything I've done, but it seems appropriate to name it after a constant in my faith.

So I named it the Esther woman! Cause that what I am, a woman with problems and struggles, who is also the daughter of a king, and is so loved by some many amazing people in her life.

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